Re: How to find stuff.
The wiki isn't out of date. At least the one in my signature isn't. The google search one is. Strategywiki sucks.
But the wiki is vanilla. Not CBM mod. That isn't going to change. Maintaining the wiki is a big job. And there is little help. So, maintaining a secondary CBM wiki isn't going to happen (And then, which version cbm etc).
95% of all national spells are on the wiki (CBM only adds a lot of end game diversity spells). Also national spells are blue in the research interface. Normal colored spells are available to everybody.
From irc:
plz post to that HoleyDooley guy that the easiest way to find the national spells for a given nation is to have a test game for each age that includes all the nations in that era. Then you can both see their recruitment rosters and look through their research trees for the blue text that indicates national spells.