Originally Posted by TigerBlood
Mictlan could be an interesting choice. If you would like another player, I am interested.
I agree that Mictlan is an interesting choice. A lot of magic diversity just like TC. TC has better cross path combos but Mictlan has access to the highest S magic (and of course you have your blood summons if you bootstrap into blood).
Originally Posted by Uldin
Oh, sorry Valerius, I'm a little blind  , then Pythium please. Yes, at first, I was waiting to join a game (preferably for noobs), but the only open was this. Anyway I don't have any problem with the kind of CBM.
No problem! Pythium it is; I see you're sticking with the hydra theme.
Originally Posted by Hrum
Valerius, it looks like you've already got the 8 you were looking for, in which case maybe I'm too late. However, if you don't mind a 9th player, I'd like to try Abysia.
Sure, we can go to 9 players. One advantage of more players is it opens up diplomatic options. But this inclines me towards looking for a 12 prov/player map rather than 15 so that the endgame isn't too painful for the final players.
Originally Posted by Hrum
I've been watching these interesting format games you've been setting up for a while (Nations, etal.) and never had the free time to join, but this sounds too interesting (I love the idea of these thematic restrictions).
Glad you like some of my experimental game formats.

Sometimes they work ... other times not so well. Hopefully this will be in the former category.
So, welcome to our final group of players! It looks like we finished up a recruiting with three strong S nations. I was actually kind of surprised that thus far we'd only had one S nation sign up.
Bear with me as it will take some time for me to compare everyone's mages with the available spells and put together the mod.
I should also mention that there is a chance we'll run into an issue with running out of spell slots. A spell can only be restricted to up to 3 nations. That means if 7 or 8 nations qualify for a spell I'll need to duplicate it twice and split those nations over the three versions of the spell (original and two duplicates). But I expect that in most cases only 4-5 nations will qualify for a spell and I'll only need to duplicate it, in which case we should be fine.