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Old October 25th, 2011, 05:01 PM

Starbelly Geek Starbelly Geek is offline
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Default Re: Just making sure

Originally Posted by JonBrave View Post
Hmmm, I was of the opinion that my Shift-Ms tended to do a good job of not searching enemy capitals... I think they do get searched when nothing else to do...
Enemy capitals are often prioritized low by the shift-M spells because they already have multiple sites, but eventually they will rise to the top of the priority list, unless there happen to be four sites there.
By the time I control enemy capitals, I'm usually focused on enough other things that I don't want to go check all of my shift-M site-searchers to see whether they're hitting a province that doesn't need searching. That tendency makes Voice of Tiamat mildly annoying, since your Augury and Gnome Lore casters may be hitting a province the same turn as a VoT hits it.
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