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Old October 18th, 2011, 01:36 PM

Numahr Numahr is offline
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Default Re: Fame and Riches - not recruiting yet, 6/6

Thanks for taking the initiative!

I don't know yet if I can commit to a new game, but let me ask my questions nonetheless:

- which age? or all ages maybe?

- since diplo is to be role-played based on HoF heroes, do you mean that you cannot play diplo if you don't have any (it does happen that one or two nations monopolize it). It would have huge consequences, like creating a dis-incentive to turtling. If you want to go around this rule, you may want to authorize prophets as well, and thematically it makes perfect sense.

- again on diplo: since you take this approach, I have one recommendation: to make it public. When a famous hero speaks on behalf of his God, that must be heard by all... that would strengthen the role-play element, but also of course it has impact on the gameplay aspect...
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