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Old October 18th, 2011, 10:16 AM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Fame and Riches - game ended, Numahr - Agartha won!

This is a small game for 7 players (1 water) with a penchant for RP-ing.

mods: CBM 1.92
map: Streamlands
hosting: llamaserver, 30 hrs, quickhost.
victory: consensus.
HOF: 15
age: middle

special rule1: all diplomacy must be done in the name of a hall of fame commander or prophet of yours. Like he was talking. Active roleplaying is encouraged.

special rule2: if someone wants to quit playing this game (due to hopless position), just turn AI, no grudges will be held.

special rule 3: all talk should be done in public: here on the forums (like my great forum game a year ago), so this way all of us could enjoy all the fine and creative in-character dealing, boasting, promising, agreeing, betraying, threatening and such.

recruiting ettins from sites is forbidden (cbm 1.92 bug).

Earcaraxe : Bandar Log
Numahr : Agartha
Ossa : Ulm
Hylobius : T'ien C'hi
Anaconda : Machaka
Pakoito : R'lyeh
Zachariah : Ermor

Last edited by earcaraxe; December 28th, 2011 at 07:33 PM..
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