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Old October 5th, 2011, 08:31 PM
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Default Re: Adept's Balance Mod 1.00 ready

Originally Posted by Adept View Post
So you use 4 mages against heavy cav? most of the cav should die then. Try a rematch against more cav, 20 for example. It does not really have critical mass here. (I did some tests myself, with only one skrattir with luck and eth, it didn't go that well. The long combat resulted in fatigue, the massed attacks overcame the eth+luck. Crits -> afflictions -> meant the end of the wolf).
I didn't lose either wolf or take any afflictions in taking 10+ indie provinces. My point is that they still work quite well. I disagree with this mod "killing the skratti as a thug". It's still an excellent thug. If one want's to go nuts, one can always get an appropriate blessing and kit them out with shrouds among other stuff.

Still it's a werewolf. It should claw and bite, and now it does. With str 25, it is more than enough.
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