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Old August 5th, 2011, 07:37 AM

Olm Olm is offline
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Default Re: "Relaxed Pace" Late Age Game

Originally Posted by Kamamura View Post
Okay, I think I owe everyone here an apology. I was indeed running an obsolete version of CBM 1.6. I considered that improbable, because I am using several computers with different OSs (Windows and Linux), but then I remembered I just installed the same version on all of them.
I appreciate people who admit having made a mistake and apologize. Its sad how few people do those things in the net.

Originally Posted by Kamamura View Post
So, with that after us, how about some diplomacy? What about everyone against Rylegh? ;-) I think he is the biggest threat anyhow, and he will pick us one by one while we fight.
Well, since R'lyeh is all around me, I see things exactly like you. I desperately try to maintain my Dominion and live in constant fear of being attacked broadside by hordes of chaff. The problem is I don't see any means to strike back into the water. I don't want a war with anyone else, but even so I don't see a chance to stand my ground 1on1 against R'lyeh. So my strategy for the moment is build up and wait. I don't think I could be in an offensive alliance aginst R'lyeh.

Originally Posted by Kamamura View Post
I have a policy not to read/write anything when angry, because it quickly comes down to insults and personal attacks, and nothing good ever comes out of that.
Oh man, I wish there were much more people with this policy around the net!
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