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Old July 23rd, 2011, 09:21 AM
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Default Re: Doomsday 4 [send in Pretenders]


great game. In the beginning I saw we had a lot of space on this map with so few players. The best strategy seemed to be massive scales and an imprisoned god. The magic settings were indeed the normal 35 instead of the 65 percent as described in the op. I figured this out pretty fast and I rushed gem generating spells. With an enchantment discount site (situated in serpent's neck) I could cast most of these with 20% discount. I didn't put any extra gems in it cause I thought they would be dispelled or overpowered pretty soon. But that didn't happen.
With massive gems and lightening fast expansion I got another advantage. Nobody contested me in the water. Rich in gems and income this was a great boon. Jomon really should have gone underwater pretty fast as their best mages are recruited in underwater forts. Fortunately they remain on land and with a massive death scale time was in my advantage.
I asked Marignon to co-attack Jomon but I didn't see any troop buildup along his borders so I figured he had other plans. The fight against Jomon went pretty smooth and as you can see from the Army size graph there was one Mega battle in which I cornered his largest army and make it route. After this he went a.i. and my second front with Marignon could be reinforced. I was a tough struggle and I hate Infernal Prison. I think I have at least 7 SC's in hell. With these extra troops the mass was large enough to push Marignon back. Together with my Zmey's raiding this is what broke his back.

TC and Arco were just to late with any action against me. It's not only the Nexus but I have a sizable blood economy going too. The plan for when I would have been attacked by everyone was that I would conquer Marignon as fast as possible with the cost of less troops and maybe losses on my other borders. Then I would cast Utterdark and income is slashed by 90%. With me as gem leader with the Nexus and a blood economy I would have gained a massive advantage.

Anyway, I had a fun game and hope to see you in next games.


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