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Old May 31st, 2011, 10:49 PM

AfroSquirrel AfroSquirrel is offline
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Default Re: My goddess committed suicide

Originally Posted by alcaray View Post
To avoid the problem, either prohibit knowledge of all branches of magic that might lead to something suicidal (which is more studying than I want to do), or provide my snake-woman with more poison immunity (though I'd have to try it out to see if it really worked that way - can you stack beyond 100 resistance in a meaningful way?).
Yep; resistances are additive. Just the Con0 Poison Immunity Accessory (Serpent Ring? Something like that.) plus the original 100 Poison Resist equals 200 Poison Resistance. That ought to solve the problem, and it's a cheap and easy fix. If you need the accessory slot, you could use spells for additional immunity as well, but I'd try to avoid too much casting on an SC pre-punching.
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