Originally Posted by Roman
Very good point. Ever thought about the medical units. As an aside thought: "It will be implemented in the oob? would be used in campaigns."
iCaMpWiThAWP mentioned, I would be selecting a specific unit and renaming one Medic and one Maintanence in the Scenario Editor and setting them as AUX units. Similar to the Commissar. They will NOT be able to perform any special actions but will simulate their contributions to the MRC as Medics and Mechanics (this is abstracted by the bonus Build Points).
They will be AUX units as they would attached to each MRC from the MRB's OOB and so not part of your organic TO&E. At some times during the campaign you may also be allocated the Soviet equivalent of a FSO (Fire Support Officer) and or ALO (Air Liason Officer). These will likely be replicated by the appropriate FO vehicle, also attached from the MRB, or even MRR, depending on the level of support.