Originally Posted by RightDeve
Really interesting, myself have been thinking about it too, but don't know how.
Especially if it comes to PBeM then there is one jury to rule both sides.
What Imp said is interesting; anyone has had any success with Panzer Campaigns / Modern Campaigns?
Not hard vs a single PBEM player one person updates map units fight all battles & update, then do strategic moves & next round of combat only other piece of paper I had was a list in notepad saying which tank & AFV types were in which & a list of R&D points available each turn. Multi player though with a ref running would probably not work.
1) All battles need to be resolved before can do strategic move.
2) Each side needs a commander to do the strategic move & now the bit people wont like.
He also has to decide who gets support assign air & regional artilley to battles & allocate who gets what repair points.
People will gripe because the battles are not necessarily balanced you could have infantry defending vs an armoured formation with no arty/air or your badly mauled units from last go attacked again by fresh units so its wiped out. Thats the whole idea of the strategy bit try & get the advantage when you attack. Used a simple rule adjacent units could move to counter intercept an attack/enemy move if passed a role on D10 (dice) vs its scouting ability infantry vs mech or armoured had -3DRM.