Re: AI spell list and priority for each path
Hence needing to know what AI prefers for different path under various circumstances, or basically a) AI spell list and b) conditions for AI to consider it. Some paths are gonna have a suck spell list (well arguably they all do, just suck at different level).
Ex. With a 2S / 3S / 4S mage assuming you have the research, will be spamming paralyze/soul slay/ enslave after buffing body ethereal and maybe astral shield, knowing this, you can put them where needed (vs SCs without crazy MR, big low MR units...etc) and maybe some cheap pen gear like void eye. However if you want it to stellar enemy elites or SC thugs after 5 turns, don't bother. I assume solar ray is on the spell list but the 3 biggies just overrides it in 99.9% of the situations.
Or if the mage has E and S path, expect it to have a useless (more useless then usual) AI spell list, because it'll buff for 3-4 turns or so and knock itself out or close to it, don't expect these to add much spell power after 5 turns. I think a ES combination favors the 3 astral spam once they get through the buff cycle and when awake, I guess the 3 astral main spam has much easier conditions then all the other earth stuff.
Or that blood has a 99% useless AI spell list, the 1% being when spamming imps are useful (which does happen), I think I've seen non-imp spells from blood though but I don't use it enough to remember. Blood really does take intelligent scripting to work well (more so then others.
Now I have a fair idea of the AI spell list and conditions for Astral, Death, and some of earth and blood, but I know I have holes in earth and blood (I'm sure they have other spells on the AI list with more uncommon conditions) and perhaps some really offbeat ones with astral and Death.
What I'm really lacking are the other paths and when you have combination of paths.
Feel free to share more of what you know on spell list and conditions!