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Old March 7th, 2011, 03:52 AM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: AI spell list and priority for each path

Originally Posted by Bananadine View Post
Always surprises me when I come out of turn after turn of agonizing over how to convince enough of my mages to JUST. MAKE. SKELETONS. to see people saying defensive spells and weak summoning spells are what they want to avoid. I generally don't mind the defensive spells, myself, because they sometimes help and they tend to run out of targets before long. And I seem to spend most of my time in big, long battles where there's time for that.
The objections fall in two categories:


Death magic: Everybody loves skellyspam to tie up opposing armies or provide targets for enemy blaster mages, but as a general rule we bloody hate seeing ineffectual skellyspam used against thugs and SCs configured for army destruction. It is particularly agonizing to see the AI choose to create a bunch of skeletons instead of blasting the Bane Lord or Tartarian next door with Dust to Dust (for those with good precision) or Wither Bones (for those without)

And, of course, many of us hate any and all AI-chosen summoning spells once we are into the endgame and the AI chooses to summon chaff while Wrathful Skies, Fire Storm, or Acid Rain is active. If we want any chaff at that point, we'll damn well cast Mists of Deception.
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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