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Old March 6th, 2011, 07:24 PM
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Potion EarlyAge: ArabianNights Mod ((Need help with images))

I've been developing an ArabianNights mod for the early age for about 5years and I have done much research/work, but my greatest obstacle is creating the images. I have about 20% of the work completed and believe the community will enjoy this nations creation and depth for multiplayer and singleplayer games. The unique design of this mod should allow for a more impressive/challenging AI opponent as well.

working images of the ancient persians/arabians:

1) Genies
2) Efreet / Afreet
3) Caliph (type of priest)
4) Assassin types (mythical welcome too)
5) Camel Calvary (camels since most of dominions use horses)
6) Giant White Bird with Talons
7) Persian or Arabian Units (This is most needed)
Persian Immortals
Palace Guards
Any ancient Melee Units (persian or arabian)
Any ancient Ranged Units (persian or arabian)

Units donated from other mods are also welcome. I will provide names in the credits from images which are used. Please help, thanks!
There can be only one.
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