Thread: CBM Confusion
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Old February 18th, 2011, 04:39 PM

kianduatha kianduatha is offline
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Default Re: CBM Confusion

Here's what I have so far, about 1/5 of the way through. Feel free to give comments/feedback on the format etc.

-Scales. Misfortune is more powerful, death and sloth scales affect income by 3% instead of 2%.

Bows and Crossbows have 5 less range

Throwing Axes have higher precision and more damage

Boulders are more powerful, mostly by being unblockable by shields.

Glaives and Naginatas are attack 0 instead of -1. 

Machaka Spear has a defense of 0 instead of -1.

Heavy cavalry's Hoof attack changed to a more powerful Warhorse Hoof with higher damage(12) and attack(2).

-Gods. Most Gods' special weapons got buffed. Divine Flails and Lightning are much scarier. Also there are many price alterations. Quift made a spreadsheet of them!

All Titan and Titan-like pretenders get Domspread 2.

Winged Titans and Son of the Sun(both types) have Awe.

Rainbow pretenders generally have a researchbonus, more paths.

Dragons have 22 protection, except Carrion Dragons who entangle like a vine shield.

Manticores have higher attack, defense, fear, scarier weapons and a ranged attack.

Cyclops is more expensive, has a higher path cost(80)

Gorgon is much much more expensive at 150.

Monoliths generate 2 Nature gems a turn.

Fountain of Blood generates 3 blood slaves a turn, is better at bloodhunting.

Mother of Rivers casts Rain in battle and makes 4 water gems a turn.

Son of the Sun(fire) generates 2 Fire gems a turn.

Lord of Rebirth generates 1 Nature and 1 Death gem a turn.

Lord of Plenty generates 1 Earth and 1 Astral gem a turn.

Celestial General and Lord of War get 5 heavy infantry and a cavalry every turn.

Bull pretenders have reinvigoration 2 and less encumbrance.

Son of Fenrer domsummons Dire Wolves. 

Great Enchantress is ethereal.

Divine Emperor casts Fanaticism in battle.

Father of Serpents and 

Jade Emperor prevents most bad events and reduces unrest by 10.

Lord of the Gates domsummons many shades and a few shade beasts.

Lord of the Forest domsummons Moose, Boars and a few Great Bears.

Lord of the Sky domsummons Black Hawks

Vampire Queen has stealth.

Mother of Monsters domsummons Cockatrices.

Virtue has Astral magic in addition to Air!

Phoenix casts Phoenix Pyre in battle, has Awe.
-Units. In general, prices of archers have been normalized to 10 gold

-Arcosephale EA. Engineers are recruit anywhere, most troops/commanders cheaper.
Peltasts, Cardaces 10g --> 8

Icarids 18g --> 13

Chariots 45g --> 30

Chariot Archers 55g --> 35

Wind Riders 125g --> 80

Myrmidon Champion 35g --> 30

Skeptic 50g --> 25

Icarid Champion 50g --> 35

Chariot commander 70g --> 40

Engineer 60g --> 40 but Castle Defense 30 --> 10

Wind Lord 175g --> 100

Oreiad a better seducer (10 --> 12)
-Ermor EA. Bishops are recruit everywhere.
Leve 10g --> 8

Accensus 8g --> 7

Rorarus 10g --> 9

Hastatus 12g --> 10

Lizard Auxiliare 10g --> 12

Equite 40g --> 25

Equite of the Sacred Shroud 65g --> 50, att 10--> 12, def 12--> 13

Centurion 30g --> 25

Legatus Legionis 70g --> 60
-Ulm EA. Archers and Warrior Maidens are weaker, Male Warriors get higher ambidextrous and berserk.
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