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Old February 11th, 2011, 10:08 AM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: New MA Nation - in progress

Ah, thank you for you comments Llamabest, good catch on the bow. I just started the sprites yesterday. I thought it would be best to make some general looks for the units and offer them for comments before I go into details. I've already changed some of the above.

The dragon actually is the Bogarus Zmey, chopped of two of it's heads and added the firebirds tail. Drawing the second wing was rather tricky I must say. The other sprites didn't take very long to make, unlike the dragon, so I'll leave him for last probably.
I still have at least 15ish units to make at least.

The first summons is supposed to be a vampire. It should look like a very old man, the grayish bits should be his decaying body, though he needs a bit finer fixing.
I've also complied his second form just now, a werewolf with his raggedy clothes still hanging.

The second summon, the horseman, I had no idea how to make look good.
It is supposed to be a horse with a man growing out of it's back, not an actual rider and it looks more like a fully kitted black knight.
It changed it a bit now, added a little banish, greenish look, tho it's far from perfect yet.

I'm rather proud of the third summon, it's a despicable old hag with chicken legs, long claws and horns, and the bat mage also.

I'll add the new sprites tonight, and the fixed once also.
Any comment good or bad is appreciated.
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