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Old December 4th, 2010, 10:27 AM
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Default Re: File Header and Unable to Delete Errors

Try re-installing the game outside of Program files. One problem I am investigating right now is the installer for V1 of both games was created before Vista / Win7 was released. The Installers issued since then all allow the following ( highlighting mine )


Vista/Win7: Run as administrator

Vista/Win7 only : if this option is not selected, the installer will be executed with normal privileges. If this option is selected, the installer will be executed with elevated privileges. Note: this option should be selected for 99% of the installers, as it is required if, for example, you install files to a sub-directory of the Program Files directory.
That was not an option back when the installers that both the basic v1 DL and CD version of both games were created as neither OS was released and everybody thought installing in Program files was a "good idea".

I have set that variable on for any patches we have released since those OS's were released but the real issue is the basic games all do not have that set and this *MAY* be why many people with some versions of Vista and Win7 MUST install the games outside of Program Files so try re-installing in C: and let us know if that solves your problem.

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