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Old December 3rd, 2010, 04:40 PM

Hermit Hermit is offline
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Default Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist

A scout down south reported a company of T-34/85's moving at a rapid clip through the woods along that edge of the battlefield. Six of the eight APC's have been ordered to disgorge their onboard scouts to set up an ambush line across the tank's path of advance, and pull back. The 106mm jeeps are backing up the scouts, using their small size and stillness in hopes of spotting and shooting before they become targets themselves. Unless there is infantry riding on the enemy tanks, they appear to be unaccompanied. They are moving so fast, no infantry could keep up with them. Other observation units have also reported that the first wave of armor all across the battlefield appear to be alone. That will make is easier for our units to get a quick shot off and remain undetected.

As hoped, the enemy tanks down south blundered forward into the ambush line in the woods. Four tanks were assaulted by the scouts, with two being immobilized. All four, plus two others trying to rush by unmolested were capped by the 106mm jeeps. Those RR are rather effective weapons, expelling a large shaped-charge warhead with a loud "Whoosh!" and gush of flame. Rather like a large bazooka. The scout units then loaded up quickly and high-tailed it out of there, expecting enemy arty to arrive soon, which it did. Three batteries of 85mm fell in the area, some of it hitting their own remaining tanks, to the delight of our scout units.

Up on the northern edge of the battlefield, our recon units managed to get around the enemy thrust, but then got confined to a narrow band of woods, as enemy vehicles had a good field of fire through some open areas. One jeep cautiously motored up to the edge of the woods, but was immediately spotted and taken under fire. Fortunately, the driver was an agile fellow and dodged the incoming fire while careening around trees to get deeper back into the woods. Hopefully the enemy wave will pass by and the recon units can continue their progress deeper into enemy territory.

The Colonel has ordered our SPA to begin firing at a line of tanks coming down the two roads. I think it's a little early to let our artillery be spotted by the enemy, but he says he has a plan. Besides, he wants their fire to disrupt and slow the enemy advance as soon as possible. This way, the enemy tanks will be more spaced-out and possibly suppressed when they run into the M103 heavy tanks on the hill. He's the boss, so I guess there will soon be 203mm and 155mm shells falling amid the enemy tanks. I can't say I'm sorry to hear it.
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