Re: Long Generated Campaign US v Communist
[to Imp: Thanks for the well wishes. Glad to be back too!]
Watching the droves of enemy tanks approach is slightly un-nerving. Even though our crews are better trained, and our armor more capable, it's still tough to sit and wait while that many armored vehicles are steadily streaming in your direction, without any prepared positions to hunker-down in. Because of the trees, we glimpse vehicles moving in and out of sight, and it's hard to know whether any given sighting is the same or a different tank. Thus, we don't really know how many of them are headed our way. In spite of our superior capability, they just might be able to overrun us with sheer numbers. It's difficult to restrain the men from firing at long range when they see a target, hoping to knock it out before it can get too close, and to thin the herd a little. However, discipline is holding up so far, and they only fidget a little while steadily tracking the closer targets.
Showing some of the bravado recon units are known for, the mechanized scouts the division sent over have raced off into the woods on both flanks, trying to get around enemy columns before they spread out for their attack. Two light helos sent to provide cover and extra eyes were forced to turn back when they came under heavy AA-fire from Chinese 37mm guns. We strongly suspect they are positioned on the two large hills in the middle of the enemy territory, but haven't managed to spot any so far. Thank goodness we were looking skyward, because we were able to spot two MiG-15 aircraft coming in from the north. Our own 40-mm AA guns opened fire, they and the Dusters being the only units given "free fire" engagement rules during this operation. While they probably spotted our four heavy tanks on the two hilltops, the planes apparently couldn't tighten their turns enough to bring them under fire on this pass. Instead they shot into the tree line in front of the objective areas. We don't think they spotted anything else clearly, since none of our units were targetted or damaged, but one of the new M48A2's was hit many times by flying fragments from their shells. Thank goodness that will be the extent of their harassment, as they were both shot down by our guns. One was taken out in his initial dive, as he flew almost right over two of the Dusters at low altitude. It must have been a direct hit, because that MiG just disintegrated when the Dusters let loose with their second burst. The other MiG was severely damaged after being hit on its pull-up by two of the fixed 40mm guns. The pilot bailed from his smoking plane, and a short time later it rolled to the left and dived into the woods. We'll send some of the recon units off to find him after the enemy advance is (hopefully) repulsed.
In the meantime, enemy 85mm and 122mm artillery has been hunting around the map, trying to find some of our units. Although several salvos landed close, none made hits. They are, as expected, concentrating on the area of the objectives, which is also why the Colonel avoided placing any of us near there at first. Our own batteries replied with counter-fire. It must have had some effect, as the second enemy barrage was significantly lighter in volume. However, that barrage included shells from some of their 152mm field guns that landed much too close for comfort, spraying a wide area with shrapnel. Finding and eliminating them will be a top priority for us now.