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Old January 3rd, 2001, 12:09 AM

Psitticine Psitticine is offline
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Default Re: Mine grouping pains

Umm, to expand a bit on Seawolf's post, to Remote Deploy units (including mines), you need to select the transport carrying the units and click on the Launch Units Remotely button on the command bar (it's in the top row, two to the right of the Launch/Deploy Units button and looks just like it except for having arrows going both in and out of the square launch bay) and than click on where you want the units to be deployed.

One feature of this order is that you don't get direct control over the number of units deployed. The transport will now go ahead and deploy all the units it can once it moves to the selected location.

I haven't used this feature since the new change in the number of units that can be launched in a strategic turn so I'm not sure if the ship will now only launch the most it can in one turn, carrying on launching in subsequent turns until empty, or if maybe Aaron forgot this bit and they'll all get dumped at once.
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