Thread: Small font
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Old September 26th, 2010, 08:00 PM

jeffreywilens jeffreywilens is offline
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Default Re: Small font

Well adjusting the dpi setting to make text bigger does not work in Windows 7, nor does the "magnifier" in the ease of accessibility. The magnifying glass won't interact with the game windows.

Okay I need reading glasses maybe but the text is not readable much above 800x600.

Perhaps the game designers can address two points:

1. Is the Encyclopedia text available somewhere in the game files. I found a folder called "text" that has the end quotes as well as I guess mission text such as this one


If so, maybe these fonts can be increased on a trial basis.

2. If doing the above would screw up the tables, etc. for the Encyclopedia data, then at least there should be a way to print the data out and use normal word processing or copier machine tricks to make the print image larger and easier to read. Everything would be magnified and tables would not be messed up and the data would probalby still fit on a single page.

Can the moderator weigh in on this?

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