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Old September 14th, 2010, 06:22 AM
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Default Re: APC Development and related topics.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH View Post
I'm now satisfied as far as the MERKAVA is concerned the amount of troops carried is dependent on the number of rounds stowed in the rear compartment please note the last para of this good source I believe one other was bold enough to state this as well. Seems if you want 8 troops you carry one in the breech and 10 in "revolver" as I posted on the MBT thread earlier. It seems we have "one foot in the box and one out of the box" now. Give me my Sniper (Or team.) and a full load of ammo. I'm convinced from a lay mans (Software code.) point of view anything more would be a headache. Comment made here because after all the article is about an APC and increased engine performance might translate to game performance as this is a "fleet" wide upgrade (Or not.).

Attachment 10471

It is a total and utter pain to do from any POV.

Tanks don't have protected carry, APCs do. Simply giving the merkavas a 2 carry would have the guys shot off the back decks as tank riders (which is what all tank carry is).

Thus if the merkava is given protected carry, it has to be an APC class.

So - it is then either removed from the MBT category, or a complete set of merkava (APC) duplicates need to be provided for the player (filling up OOB slots and needing synchronisation if any change is done to the base template model).

If it is removed from the MBT category, then the things have to be put into separate formations, and the AI pick list completely rewritten, even supposing that it has enough room to do so (there may be e.g. reserve tank formations already there).

Whether all that sheer kerfuffle is really necessary so that one or 2 guys who just think it may be a nice to have on occasion the facility to carry 2 scouts 'protected' can be satisfied is really a moot point.

So - if I put this in then I think it will have to be the duplicate "Merkava APC" with 6 carry as an APC class, in a new platoon in MISC, to allow carry of Sayeret scouts and with the main gun ammo load suitably reduced to 12 or so main gun rounds to accommodate it. For human player use only in special circumstances, and in reality probably not worth the bother (I would always pay the extra points for a proper heavy APC platoon as a companion to the tank platoon, as I prefer the tanks to have all the main gun ammo they can eat, and the ability for the infantry to deploy tactically slightly separately from the MBT as required. The MGs on the HAPC are a not negligible bonus, too).

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