The people of Faerun will not quickly forget the chaotic events they collectively refer to as "The time of Troubles" In those days the gods walked the earth, warring and killing. And dying. Ambitious mortals took advantage to claim godhood for themselves. Nations shattered and others were born. And people died. So many people died.
In the aftermath measures were taken to prevent anything similar from happening again. Gods were bound to their divine planes and forbidden to directly intervene in the affairs of mortals, only being able to influence events through their worshippers. War once again became the - hardly bloodless - domain of human lords and orc chieftains.
No-one however had counted with the possibility of outside influence. Seemingly overnight several dozen alien peoples - some human, some far stranger - settled the rich lands of Faerun, bringing their own would-be gods with them. All of them claiming to be the one true power.
Faerun stands on the brink of a repeat of that earlier age, with god poised to make war upon god. Only this time the gods have entire nations following them. The native powers gather their forces and prepare for war, but cannot fool themselves. Everyone knows that the future will be forever changed, and that the change will not be shaped by the original inhabitants. Night is falling for the gods of the Faerunian Pantheon and their followers.
The future will be decided by the foreign invaders, but by which of them?
For in the end, there can only be one...
I've been on a sabbatical for Dominions for over a year now, but lately I've been feeling the urge to start again. And since there's currently no game recruiting (unless I'm beeing blind, always a distinct possibility) I've decided to make my own, using the Llamaserver to host it. Since the first big multiplayer game I ever played was on an earlier version of the Faerun map and I'm kinda nostalgic, we'll be playing over the newer version of this map for a nice 'full circle' kinda feeling. The map is huge. It is unbalanced. It has hard-as nails indepent VP provinces. And it's totally fun. (Untill you grow too big to stomach the micro.) So anyone intrested in a huge free-for-all is in the right place.
Settings in
bold are set in stone and will not be changed. Everything else is up for discussion.
Era: Early
Players: All nations
Independents: 6?
Reasearch/money/Resources/supply: Standard
Special Sites: Default is 45 I think? I have no real opinion. Also haven't played a game without gemgens yet, so no real reference.
Hall of Fame: 15
Random events: common
Renaming: on
Graphs: Off(I have always thought too many games played with graphs on, so now I finally have the chance to tiranically impose my opinion I'm not going to pass on it.

Use scouts, watch battles, talk to other players. Many ways to gain information about your opponents.
Victory: It seems a shame to play on a map with so many special VP provinces and the not to use them to determine victory, so I would go for a VP victory, but I'm willing to change my mind if there's an outcry against it. The one downside to VP's is that it might end games prematurely, however with the number of VP's on this map - and the fact that the big ones are heavily guarded by indies - reduce this possibility. I will also admit that using VP's is one of the best reasons to use graphs, but since I'm dead set on finally playing a graphless game that's a no go in this case. If we do go the VP route, how many should be enough? Half? (100VP's on the map. 5 provinces are worth 4VP's each, but the majority is 1 or 2.)
Mods: CBM obviously. I'm also open to the idea of one or two mod nations joining in (the map definitely is big enough for it) but I'm not aware of any EA mod nations of the required quality and balance to fit the bill. If you do have a candidate, feel free to suggest it.
Hosting: 24h quickhost at start, going to longer intervals as soon as necessary.
Who can play?: Everyone is welcome. Be aware however of the commitment involved. This is a very big map, so even if you "only" survive to mid game you might be dealing with empires of several dozen provinces.
Nation choice: Each player should list the three nations he'd prefer to play in order of preference. Once all slots are filled nations will be assigned, attempting to give everyone one of their choices. Earlier experience suggest that almost all players will get one of their 3 picks. If you're worried about not getting one of your 3 choices (Especially if you pick 3 'popular' nations.) feel free to add one or two nations you definitely
don't want to play.
1. Amhazair
2. Verjigorm
3. Finalgenesis
4. Graeme Dice