Re: EA Abysia - Looking for advice, and bread
I don't really bother with the troops with shields. Abysian troops have enough protection that arrows are not going to matter much, so I'd much rather have less encumbrance and higher damage than shields.
Misbreds are not demons even though they require undead leadership, which is rather annoying. As the only good early game way to lead them is with a rod of the leper king. They do make a good raiding force or archer killers with their heat aura.
Your burning ones are great, try to recruit a lot.
The charizards can be usefull if you are dealing with ethereal troops, else I wouldn't bother with them.
I would really try to expand in the early game alchemysing gems for troops and mercenaries.
Because your troops are so slow I try to rely on castles and province defense to stop raiding.
I spend the first few turns churning out slayers. Three slayers can take out a indy province a turn and make for a nasty surprise for enemy players.
Try to press your early game advantage. Most nations won't be capable of dealing with your troops backed up by some mages with fireballs.
Start bloodhunting early, you can only build blood hunters from your capital so you'll build up blood slow.
Trade for some earth boots to cast gnome lore.
You have a rather nice blood 4 hero so you might consider luck 3 which will also help with gold and magic diversity.
EA Abysia is really one dimensional. Try to diversify. Find indy mages, hire indy mercenary mages, empower if you need to.
Try to avoid researching thematurgy 3 as you get rage and all your mages will go crazy casting rage at a 26 mr non-fire immune lone sc while incenerate is also available.
Blind in alteration is one of your few ways for your fire mages of dealing with fire immune sc's.