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Old December 31st, 2000, 07:37 AM

Talenn Talenn is offline
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Default Re: Combat Initiative...


The 'Retreat issue' has been discussed many times around here and there are good reasons for both sides. Personally I think it works better within the framework of the game right now to not allow retreats. It is impossible to fight a decisive battle if the enemy can always just choose to retreat. IMO, the game would become 'whack-a-mole' trying to jump on fleet after fleet that slips through and into your backfield...not something I want to mess with...

So, while not having the ability to retreat may seem silly, IMO is it necessary given the constraints of the game. It would need a major overhaul of the way ships move tactically (and strategically) to make it work well IMO. FWIW, I cant see why it cant be included as an option at game start. That way people can choose what they want, but I guess at this point they deem it as not worth the coding it would opinion I agree with. After a few games using retreats (at least vs human players), I'm pretty sure most people would be turning it back off again.

As far as the ranges of engagement go...yes, its pretty far, but again, I think its somewhat necessary. MOO2's tactical combat kind of fell apart because the starting ranges were too close. The only weapons that really mattered were direct fire as you didnt have enough time to get missiles and fighters into the battle before you were in gun range and decimated. The longer ranges allows for more variety in spliting into Groups and whatnot. MOO2 combat was basically just 'move forward and shoot till one side loses' There just wasnt enough room for maneuver IMO.

I agree that the tactical combat interface could be cleaner...the ability to SCROLL THE MAP would be a big help. A number of other tweaks could be made, but nothing is fatal in the tactical screen IMO.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the tactical combat other than the 'missile dance' and the limitations on initiative as outlined below.

Thanx for the input
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