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Old December 23rd, 2000, 09:40 PM

Barnacle Bill Barnacle Bill is offline
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Default Re: Laying Mines problem since new Patch, Bug?

There are separate entries for how many units a component can launch per tactical turn and how many it can launch per game turn. You can probably set the limit per game turn so high that it effectively works just like before the patch, but there could be a hard-coded limit on the value the game will work with. I agree that it makes no sense the way it is since the patch, so I plan to change it when I install the patch (after finishing my current game).

Why doesn't it make sense? OK, if you string sectors with enemy units consecutively a ship could fight as many battles as it has stategic movement points. For a Battlecruiser or smaller with 6 quantum engines and a Solar Sail 3, belonging to a "Propulsion Experts" race, that is 13 battles in a single strategic turn. If it has one component which can launch 1 unit per tactical turn, at 30 tactical turns per battle that means 390 units can be launched during the 1 month strategic turn. So, if it can launch 390 units per month under combat conditions why would it only be able to launch 1 sitting by itself for the entire month under non-combat conditions. It just doesn't make sense for the "per game turn" limit to be less than 390 times the "per tactical turn" limit.
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