Re: Laying Mines problem since new Patch, Bug?
I have gotta agree. most laying type things let you lay x number of things per tactical phase, not game turn. It might be OK if a level 1 layer let you lay 1 per tactical phase and 2 let you lay 2. there might not have been cause for a change, since this would not be very limiting even.
there can be a tactical combat for every movement point of a ship, with 30 turns (at default) of mine laying per combat.. or the new system for simutanious allows 1 combat per 5 days, whatever that comes out to. probably something like 5 combats per turn or so. so 5*30=150 mines per turn from a level 1 mine layer.
I think if mines need balancing, the answer is to make warheads less damaging, or do a random ammount of damage (ohh, it blew up too far from the ship). or to increase the power of sweepers. to make mines ineffective to deploy in order to counter the AI not treating them right is just friggin lame and it hoses up multiplayer games.
...the green, sticky spawn of the stars
(with apologies to H.P.L.)