Thread: heroes
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Old January 1st, 2010, 01:59 PM
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Default Re: heroes

Originally Posted by Ink View Post
Two-hands on a weapon is beneficial due to the increased control surface and distance between the control points (the arms); much like it is harder to do a push-up with one arm than with two (even if, suppose, the single arm were made to be as strong as two).

Given this, a four-armed being couldn't really wield a two-handed weapon with two arms from the same side of its body and receive any benefit. Similarly, a 'four-handed' weapon wouldn't really be feasible, or much use, unless the being had such a shape that the four arms were set upon its body in such a way that each provided a significantly different angle from the other arms.

A humanoid would probably never achieve the necessary body shape. An insectoid might because an exoskeleton provides the sorts of hardpoints necessary to place appendages along the body were having many of them provides an actual benefit. However, an exoskeleton on a thing larger than an insect is itself a problem.

Despite what your suitors may have told you, size does matter.
why are you over-analyzing a game? it's a fantasy world, anything is possible
My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know?
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