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Old December 26th, 2009, 06:00 PM
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wulfir wulfir is offline
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Default Dunamic Campaign: European Autumn 1973

As per request, here is runequesters dynamic campaign.

European Autumn: Central Front 1973

It is October 1973. A major war is raging in the Middle East between Israel and the Soviet backed Arab countries of Syria and Egypt.

You are an Oberstleutnant of the East German People's Army - the NVA.

You command a Motorised Rifle Battalion - the 1st Battalion of the 16th Motorised Rifle Regiment beloning to the 11th Motorised Rifle Division stationed near Halle, East Germany.

Rumours are rampant during the last days of October. Nobody knows for certain what might be happening. Then, on October, you are instructed to mobilise the battalion for war service. At once. NATO attack is imminent.

And this proves relatively easy. The Divisions of the NVA are subject to a very high level of readiness. Before long your battalion moves up to its assigned forming up point near the inner German border.

There you are reached by the news that NATO has attacked East Germany. The Border Guards are already fighting. You can hear artillery fire.

October 31, your battalion moves up behind the 17th Motorised Rifle Regiment. In one day of fighting the 17th has largely been consumed. Now it is your turn to enter the maelstrom. Your objective is to breach NATO defences in front of EBERGOETZEN. Your battalion is reinforced with tanks, engineers and artillery. Substantial aviation assets are also assigned to your sector.

Waiting, on the other side of the front line, are the British with their menacing Chieftain tanks. They have already earned a fearsome reputation in the ranks of the 11th Motorised Rifle Division...
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