Thread: Updated Manual?
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Old December 18th, 2009, 08:45 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Updated Manual?

Originally Posted by MaxWilson View Post
Formulas in the manual are invaluable IMHO. A new player has no idea what "Attack 15" or "Defense 12" means, or how that applies to what makes a unit good or bad. He can probably figure out Protection, at least in a gross sense (Prot 10 vs. 20 points of damage will usually take 10 points of damage) but doesn't understand how the variance works--how much damage will a Prot 20 guy take damage from a 10 point attack? He will have no clue at all how morale works, or fatigue.
I struggle to accept that anyone can have 'no idea' what att 12 and def 10 mean after looking at a handful of units.

Militia has 8 attack, a soldier has 10, an elite has 13. Durr, what could they possibly mean?

I agree they wouldn't know exactly how they worked, but it isn't like the manual is reliable in the cases where you need to know exactly how things work. It doesn't properly explain how prot works, for example. It incorrectly explains how various other things work. No point in me listing this stuff - there's a thread about it.
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