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Old October 12th, 2009, 12:35 AM
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Default Re: Conceptual Balance Mod 1.6

Originally Posted by Psycho View Post
Why does nobody mention the boots of antaues? They seem like the least disruptive option to me. Just some regen and reinvigoration on top of +1 earth.
Just some regeneration and reinvigoration? Possibly the two best SC survival abilities? On misc slot?

The idea of the Pebble Skin Suit is that it has drawbacks and is in general an intresting item. If the options are Tome of Gaia/Boots of Antaneus/Pebble Skin Suit, the suit will have smallest effect and is hardest to abuse. Remember that getting turned into a troll isn't that awesome in all cases, not even for humans. Your mr gets reduced, you lose all other innate abilities (like the innate forgebonus for Ulm or FR and heat for Abysia). You become a bigger target with that additional hp, allowing the opponent to pinpoint your casters with spells (try incinerate with that -50% FR) or "attack largest" commands. Also remember that when you are a troll with the suit, you have base -50% in both FR and CR in all battles.

And even if the Troll transformation gets somehow abused (although I'm not seeing it), we can just edit the "Troll" unit to have -1 magicskill in all paths.
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