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Old August 6th, 2009, 09:57 AM
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Default SEAD as used by the AI

Would it be possible to code the AI to use earlier possibly flagging for turn zero or one use.
Reason, gives its arty some targets if misses & have noticed in a few games comes in to late. Present game I have been fending off attack helos & only on turn 4 did the AI think to take out my AA with SEAD. Only time this seens sensible is beach landings as no radar AAA support till its landed.
On landings would it make sense late era to have a SAM or radar controled AA gun ship as I assume there would be escorts of some type in the convoy capable of this, say Seadart equiped for UK etc. Give it very limited movement to represent its draught & stop people running up to the coastline with a note saying should realy be used within a couple of hexes of far map edge only.
Could be a case of how often they would actualy get used though & I would guess they are prime targets for anti ship missiles so can assume sunk
Heck modern air makes a right mess of my little flottila.
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