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Old July 30th, 2009, 02:48 PM
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shilka77 shilka77 is offline
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Default Boats for river crossings and smaller lakes


I have a question -

I am building a desert map with wide rivers 2 squares wide and small lakes 3-4 squares wide I am using Iraqis as player side and Gulf State as “enemy” force in a January 2003 battle where I am to defend with the Iraqis and the Gulf States are to Attack, but it seems like the Iraqi units lack inflatable boats when I try to suprise them with a river crossing to get to their rear.

Is this a bug or maybe something that has been taken away from Infantry Units?

What do I do wrong?

I found out you need to be Attacker or Advance to have Infantry with Inflatable boats.

Many Thanks

Last edited by shilka77; July 30th, 2009 at 03:12 PM.. Reason: Solved
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