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Old July 29th, 2009, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: Attempting to improve the AI for Proportions 3.05

Originally Posted by PvK View Post
What is the zip filename, origin or whatever of your version 3.0.7? .. I don't see where I posted a 3.0.7. I may have forgotten, but I'm not seeing it on the forum either.
Me neither.
'twas a bad attempt at humor ... wanted to hint that we're all still waiting for 3.0.7 eagerly

I know there are limitations of drones which can't be modded away, but probe drones do serve a limited purpose. They are the only units which can move through warp points by themselves (attack the warp point, IIRC)
Oh, that's what I was missing.
Guess that you get for playing too many similar games at once (SE4 and SE5, Civ4 and Col, Un- and FAangband etc.) - I'm getting really confused sometimes concerning the features ...

Starliners in 3.x are carefully balanced against transports and warships to have a niche, in a complex way - as I recall, when you research higher levels of Starliner Modules, they become smaller, making room for more engines and supplies or whatever. In 3.x there are several techs that start out rather clunky but gain more interesting design possibilities as you get higher tech levels.
Hmmm, ok, I'll have a look at how those components develop at higher tech levels.
Nevertheless, IMHO even the first tech level should make for some usuable ships, and the ship I am able to build atm looks like this:
Small Starliner Hull - 565 kt
1x Basic Bridge 10 kt
3x Life Support 30 kt
1x Basic Crew Quarters 10 kt
1x Starliner Module I + Starliner Mount 475 kt
.. that leaves 40kt for engines:
4x Ion Engine II 40kt, 1040 supplies, 52suppl./sector => range 20 sectors @ speed 3
3x Eff Ion Eng II 30 kt
1x Ion Eng. II 10 kt, 1040 supplies, 25 suppl/sector => range 40 sectors @ speed 2

Range 20 is totally insufficient, but mixing engines on every new design again is tedious.
Is the AI able to?

Fighters are not well balanced in 3.x yet, but you're not right about advanced armor making fighters impotent - a stack of fighters pools its damage against armor (which unfortunately can't be modded).
Ouch. Now that you mention it I vaguely remember .. looks like I have been confusing games again

So what about the max systems 130 without changing high number of AI opponents?
We have 16 stock AIs available .. why not allow all of them at once?

I thought the Transport Minister just took your transports and moved stuff with them - is it really meant to construct pop transports?
Dunno - you made the AI files.
I would expect it builds some star liners and uses them for pop transportation.
Looks like that neither it builds starliners nor the minister is willing to use them for pop transportation !?
As for AI the most effective work around to this problem so far is to simply use an American instead, they tend to put up a bit more of a fight than your average Artificial Idiot.
... James McGuigan on somewhen back in 1998 ...
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