Originally Posted by Gregstrom
Hm, if I am not mistaken, they already have GoR through the debug mod. But just so I am clear on the reason this this, you're saying that I could make implementers recruitable units for cheap so that other ones could cast GoR on them,
Yep. If a free turn 1 GoR is already there, that's cool.
With only commander implementors recruitable, growth is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. With free GoR and non-commanders available as well as commanders, growth is 1, 3, 7, 15, 31.
The problem I am finding with GoR is that it only allows targeting one type of a unit. Therefore, the player could only grow at the rate of one implementer a turn. I don't think there's any way around this.
I took care of making units to dissuade players from wishing for either game master or implementers. I ave also been working on a return troops spell which uses wind ride to call back commanders. Every time I have used it though the commander is killed (which isn't a big deal). The code looks like this:
#name "Return commander"
#descr "Calls a commander back to home province."
#effect 10049
#damage 100
#school 0
#path 0 4
#pathlevel 0 0
#researchlevel 0
#fatiguecost 0
#restricted 94
#restricted 93
#restricted 92