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Old May 23rd, 2009, 05:16 PM

c_of_red c_of_red is offline
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Default Re: Imp The Antagonist

Originally Posted by EJ View Post
Here's the deal. 130x160 map. Russia(me) against your choice(you). 20000 purchase points each. ALL PREFS on except fast artillery. Limit arty and mortars separate or in combination to 10% of purchase. NO CLUSTER OR MINE munitions. Limit 1 section of ordinance/resupply. 2 air sorties each. Game length 16-20 turns. Save slot 007. REPLY with your country choice, email and I will send you the set up. LET'S DO THIS!
Italy, " [email protected] "
I would prefer some time after the fall of the Soviet Union. Shortly after, say 90 to 93. Scenario is that in this universe there is a major Civil war and it spills over into Europe but stays conventional.
If that doesn't float your boat, I'll take China. Any of the real engagements between China and the Soviet Union would be fine. IIRC, that was '69 and about '80. Not sure on that last.
Sino-Soviet border skirmishes went on at about 2 per year throughout most of the cold war. They seldom were bigger then platoon sized, but we can pretend.
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