Thread: Questions
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Old April 25th, 2009, 09:56 AM
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Question Questions

1) How can I have troops and weapon platforms guard a planet? (When I build them it only says they're in cargo and I don't see a deploy option) Answered by Suicide Junkie

2) How can I modify the upkeep maintenance for storage facilities? I searched the txt data files and tried a few changes yet no luck. Advice from Suicide Junkie

3) How can I modify the AI opponent to build storage facilities for each time it reaches a new stored amount of the resource? Hence if it has the maximum amount of radioactive resources it will build a storage facility. From my test observations it doesn't build them using the most recent balance mod and this seems important since I prefer playing games using Finite Resources. Advice from Captain Kwok

4) How can I adjust the amount of resources provided by planets? I've noticed the tiny planets will hold just as much resources as the huge planets which should rarely be true, but still possible once in awhile. I'd like to have each planet size with a specific range of resources. Advice from Captain Kwok
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Last edited by NTJedi; April 27th, 2009 at 01:54 PM.. Reason: details
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