Originally Posted by Wdll
Originally Posted by Skirmisher
The CD version is just that, A CD version. Not availible as a download.
The download version is free on the other hand.
I don't get why anybody wouldn't want the CD. What happens if your hard drive goes boom? Then you only have digital memories...
Becaues the p&p is crazy high that is why.
Perhaps not for the USA, but try to order one from Greece or Australia etc and you will see my point, plus depending on the country you are buying it from, you can be asked to be additional tax.
I delayed buying the CD version for a LONG time due to the extra expenses, I finaly bought it, but much later than I would otherwise. I know of at least 2 people who don't buy the CD version because they don't want to pay almost double the amount of the game itself for the extra costs.
Thats an aweful big expense. I have to admit I might still be using the free version if I had to pay that.
Customers on that side of the globe need a Shrapnel Europe or something.
Why is that expense so one sided?
I mean I've bought stuff from UK,Germany,Hong Kong,Austrailia and the shipping expense wasn't double for example.