March 29th, 2009, 08:53 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Re: Variety is the spice of life
Originally Posted by plastictree
I'm having a bit of a World War 3 fetish at the moment (I mean, the Gen. Hackett books on World War 3), so I've been playing a lot of campaigns based around scenarios in the books, from most sides.
My favourite campaigns are those where I have to babysit a force of elderly tanks and mech/motorised infantry (in M113's or the equivalent tin can, rather than in Bradleys or BMP2's) through a 30 battle campaign against huge odds.
Generally I like to set the AI buy point advantage to 300-800% when playing as the Western forces, to really bring home the massive local numerical superiority that the Warsaw Pact would have in a lot of places.
My current 4.5 Campaign is 1985 as the UK, a reinforced Mech Bn with an understrength early model Chieftan company (off the top of my head I think they are Mk 9's, with laser sights and stabilisation, but without TI), going up against what has turned out to be massive Russian and Polish forces.
It would ruin the fun somewhat if I was rolling around in Challengers, as really the only serious trouble they could get into is if they take flank shots, and are basically as destructive as their ROF allows.
However, using the Chieftans makes it far more of a challenge tactically, and I really have to think through the movements of every platoon, because while I can take out the majority of the Russians armour with a well placed HEAT round, from memory even their T62's can take me out.
Also, I decided to go for a Mech Bn because I wanted to go for a bit of realism, and wanted to concentrate more on combined arms than is normally the case when you simply buy a couple of companies of the toughest tanks you have.
One final note is that I only repair my equipment once ever 3 or 4 battles, which means that I often have to roll into an assault with whole platoons missing, or with half my tanks immobilised on the starting side of the map.
I would, however, like the ability to vastly restrict the amount of buy points available, since except under the worst circumstances (eg. battles where you've lost 70-80% of your troops/equipment) you always have enough to refit your entire force in one hit.
Welcome plastictree!
You sound like you have some skills, I haven't even mastered using mech forces  , how come you haven't posted here before? You can private message me if you want