Thread: Mechwarriors?
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Old March 3rd, 2009, 07:27 PM

harlikwin harlikwin is offline
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Default Re: Mechwarriors?

I tried doing this a while back for a more generic Sci-Fi mod. For doing things like hammers slammers. Dirtside. Battletech, WH-40k.

The general issues I ran into were:

The current movement classes were a major limitation for many types of vehicles present. The main issues were with hovercraft and other "low flying" type vehicles that could cross water and work on land (never resolved) And alot of BT vehicles were of the hover type. Mecha I just gave them an infantry move class IIRC and that seemed to work.

Generally this was doable, though you have to get creative for some things Like lasers or plasma type weapons. For battletech most of their weapon classes and ranges don't make a ton of sense outside of their "system".

Again, doable though converting from the old Battletech system to a sane armor penetration model can be frustrating.

For mecha there is no way to abstract their "superior" setup of being huge and thus being able to "see" further etc.

Infantry: There is no way to deal with power armor infantry in the game I found acceptable, this was the major stumbling block.

Then there were the other weird weapon/systems issues that weren't amenable to conversion, though as of V4 I think they added a few things like CIWS and such.

If the Camo team wants to release a SP-Sci-fi game that would rock but I doubt it will happen.
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