Thread: MP Laurus : Game On!
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Old February 24th, 2009, 04:58 PM

Incabulos Incabulos is offline
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Default Re: Laurus : Game On!

Originally Posted by DonCorazon View Post
That squid has been parked outside of Gath for a while. Move along please, nothing here to see.
Great Papa Squiddy is seeing how long he can hold his breath for; while not technically insane there are some of us followers that think he is clearly touched. We told him NOT to stick his tentacles in the void gate but of course he is the pretender so...

He keeps muttering about an amulet of the fish and air majick or somesuch, not really sure what he is blathering about. Hopefully he will get to conquering the ocean instead of reminiscing about the lack of legs and lungs.

We understand it is hard trying to get a bunch of blathering, frothing madmen to do your bidding and that he has to take matters into his own hands and do some menial tasks every now and then, but he really does tend to forget why he is the chosen one. And who can blame a cultist for deciding that searching for belly button lint is a more pressing task than building a kelp fortress; certainly not me.
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