Originally Posted by Sombre
The repeating crossbow was used in ancient china, yes. I don't think any accounts of its effectiveness are available though.
Okay I knew nothing of chinese warfare. After some searsh, it seems crossbow was used at least around 500 BC in china. It lead to various improvings, probably meaning that it was usefull. Interestingly, it seems it was a weapon of choice for close defence. Chinese crossbows seems to have a better 'latch' system, not counting the repeatable ones. That could explain this (you could keep it loaded)
Tien Chin should definitively have crossbows
I seem to remember reading Judge Ti novels that he or his assistants used crossbows. It's also in a french serie on china, but that's a more dubious source ('Ivory Puppet' if it was ever translated in English)
And Ermor / Pythium should have Scorpions or other crossbow like machine of war. Usefull for siege, but maybe for battle too (against elephants ?)
EDIT : Hey there's a book on comparison of crossbow vs long bow !
From this very interesting book you learn that the 'long bow reign' ranges from 1298 (Falkirk) to 1550 where hand-gun were far more efficient in warfare. Also it should be noted that various kind of crossbows were used (until hand-guns replaced them also), and that we should compare long bow to steel crossbow, the ones used at the same period.