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Old January 10th, 2009, 06:55 AM
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Default Re: Ship abilities & Troops

Perhaps you should as well, dear Fyron.

If you read, carefully, what I said here you'll see I state that you have complained about this kind of post wasting people's time, and yet have you wasted more such time in this post yourself with your own off-topic gripes and snipes.

While you did indeed post a link, to your own answer in your own forum, you also chose not to simply leave it at that. Rather, you have managed to turn this into something much different than it needed to be. I called you on, because I believe in calling a hypocrite into the light.

You can't gain a lot a credibility if you complain that one type of action is a waste of people's time, and not accept that another, even one done by yourself, is equally guilty. Despite your supposed "reputation" in these circles.

In truth, if you felt this was a waste of your time, it would've been simpler and more reasonable to just ignore it and move on. I'm certain 90% of anyone else who looked this over and didn't care to answer did just that. Knowing, as you do, that I myself in particular post in this manner you also were well aware of the situation here before you ever decided to soapbox about it in this post.

That is more a "control" related issue than anything else, simply put.
Run if you like, you'll only die tired....

Last edited by Black_Knyght; January 10th, 2009 at 07:04 AM..
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