Originally Posted by gila
Playing as the Germans,you always have to upgrade as they were trying to stay one step ahead.
Is the PZIVM so much better the PZIVj? I mean really? not by much.
I found waiting for the later prototypes instead of upgrading immediately to the next marginally better tank(which loses experience value)worth the wait.
But i don't play as Germans too much any more as the uncontrolable tendancy to upgrade.
As myself i'd rather play as any, than the germans.
Just my little 2 cents worth 
Been there, done that. I just recently made the change from PzKw IIIj/1 tanks to PzKw IVf2 tanks. That gave up some armor for a better gun with improved penetration, fire control and anti-personnel capability. The point values were roughly the same, so which one was really better?
Think about it this way, when you make a change to suit your needs/desires and your experience goes down, the pool of points the AI has to choose from also goes down. It balances out in the end. If that equipment upgrade ultimately increases the survivability of your crews with respect to your preferred tactics, their experience will go back up.