Originally Posted by Mobhack
That is the way the VFX graphics engine displays items, it mirror images certain rotations for speed (I think). Was like that in DOS and in the WinVFX engine too.It has always been like this, and every 5 years or so someone actually notices  !
So which side the gun is on depends entirely on the facing angle. Try buying some and rotating them 360 degrees in the deployment screen and watch the sponson flip sides!.
I've been looking at it for years in SP games and didn't notice. Long before that, I use to have the AH Tobruk game. The firing arc for the sponson mount was a real pain in that game. That's the only reason I thought of it tonight. I hadn't noticed it moved from side to side, either. No reason to, I suppose. Most tanks are symmetrical enough to not even notice and it certainly doesn't matter.