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Old November 8th, 2008, 07:34 PM

Demtrek Demtrek is offline
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Default Why the Germans?

I love playing the Germans, not that I am some Nazi Freakazoid but its just the variety of thing you get to do.

I mean, what other nation plays against so many different opponents? Has anyone actually played a German campaign where you fought against every possible nation there was to fight against?

Ad to that that the Germans have a very diverse and large number of really cool machines, tanks, APCs, infantry types, ect to play with....

I know you can create a pretend campaign against 3 opponents...but I always though it would be cool if there was at least one other nation that was able to fight the campaign the Germans fight...Starting Poland, Norway, Belgium, France, Brits, Yugo, Greece, USSR, ect....

I mean it would be neat to see how well the USA or Brit arsenal would stand up to the same challenge the Germans have.
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