Thread: Bug Minor Bug
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Old October 31st, 2008, 01:05 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: Minor Bug

Originally Posted by Mobhack View Post
Undo cannot undo everything.

The only cure for that one would be to disallow undo if dust was generated (even the fractional amounts that one cannot see, but do build up). This will probably be the route to go, it'll stop you cheating against the AI ( by building smoke screens by undoing movement) but as email games already disallow the undo function it should have little real effect.

Understood. Like I said, it's a minor annoyance.

Disabling "undo" in the PBEM games was good. I use to play earlier versions and got cheated with "undo" function before. Some games allow you to undo moves if you don't see anything, but seeing nothing in a move still tells you something; where the enemy isn't.
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