Minor Bug
It's probably been mentioned before and it's more of an annoyance than anything, but if a battle is taking place in dust conditions and you click on the "undo" button, the unit returns back to it's starting location, but the dust generated remains.
In situations where visibility is high and dusk can be stirred up, I will try to approach my attack position moving 3 hexes per turn to avoid making a cloud and use concealed routes. Invariably, I will have a mouse error and one unit will go 4 hexes or I will miss clicking on the next unit I want and the current unit will try to reach the location I clicked. It wouldn't be so bad except dust attracts artillery.
It's a minor issue and I try to be careful to avoid errors, but it seems "undo" should undo everything. I haven't included a save, but can and it's not tied to any specific nationality. It's a very easy condition to recreate.