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Old September 19th, 2008, 02:05 AM
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HoneyBadger HoneyBadger is offline
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Default Re: Aksum: Glory of Kings. (Now With Graphics!)

Thanks, Foodstamp-considering the high quality of (and my appreciation of) your mods, especially Haida Gwaii, that means a lot!

That big one, the Opaani, is probably going to get a little makeover when I get around to it, but yes-I'm very proud of it It took roughly 6 hours to get it done, and that's considering that I borrowed some of the image from the Internet. Eventually, I'm going to replace the borrowed parts with original art, and retouch the archers in the howdah-basket-there are several units I want to redo, but I'm holding off on that until everything is playable.

So right now, I'm working on heroes. I've got Queen Makeda finished (I'm separating her from Queen Bilqis, even though they're basically different names for the same person. I'm making "Makeda" the daughter of the original Queen of Sheba-Raamah is, therefore, Makeda's grandfather.), and I'm hopefully getting some help setting up a .DM file. Once the hero art is done, and I've added any Pretenders (I'm not 100% sure Aksum's going to get a National Pretender, none have come to mind as of yet), the mod will essentially be done-ready to be turned into a downloadable .DM file and played.
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