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Old September 13th, 2008, 11:53 AM

wzrd wzrd is offline
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Default Re: Server packet information still the same?

Originally Posted by lch View Post
Mono has almost full .Net 2.0 support by now, but I don't know how easy or hard it will be to make it comply with .Net 3.5 stuff. The fun thing is that you'll be able to continue to build your binaries with Visual Studio like usual, the only thing you'll have to work around is unsupported libraries. And for platform independence, use things like System.IO.Path.Combine instead of hardcoded backslashes for paths.
I gave it some effort with Mono, but it doesn't like the way I do threads, apparently (with BackgroundWorker). I can't seem to get around that problem. So I went ahead and called it and instead released it under the GNU license along with the source and bug fixes.

You can find the latest version here: Monitor Lizard 1.0

I have no idea how to update the stickied post above, but someone wants to update that link above to this main page instead of the direct link I had, it will work that way.

Thanks for help, Ich, and I hope at least one other person enjoys using this as much I do. It makes tracking and keeping my multiple games up to date incredibly easy.

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